Picking up from where I left this blog... Deleting the earlier post! It's been a long time since I last posted on wrote anything but let's see how frequent I will write after this. (",) *Let's hope it will not be 2 years from now. Heh*
I just feel like writing tonight since I am all alone. K is away for shoot and I just can't sleep. I am unwell but not able to sleep. Probably because I have been sleeping the whole day today. *Bukannya takde assignment nak buat tapi... I just can't bring myself to read more articles or journals. Heh..*
Anyway, I wanted to just share that I have started on a new journey... I have decided to go back to school and get a master for myself. People as me why....? Is it for promotion? or because I want to be converted to a regular position... NO! NO! and NO. The only reason I am doing this is for myself. My self satisfaction. There isn't any other reasons besides self satisfaction. I even told myself if at any point I feel is too much for me to handle, I would have to decide either work or back to school. *Opps... Lupa nak mention, I am still working. So kerja sambil belajar ye kawan-kawan*
They ask me what make me do it... Well... I don't know. This one particular evening I was in front on my computer in the office, I texted a friend asking MBA in UiTM bila intake?. He told me now. Deadline was like 5 days away. I went home and told K what if I were to go and get my masters? He knows I have put it on hold for 7-8 years. He told me to go for it and he wanted to just pay and apply for me. I told him that I have the weekend to write an essay. If I am able to write the essay in time, I will apply. Guess what he did???!! He book us a staycation. Took me all the way to Melaka and told me to write. Sweet ke tidakkk???? *He is the sweetest. He wanted me to do it because he knows I wanted it as long as he can remember but we had other priorities and now that he is able to support me, he wants me to go for it.*
Come Monday, I went to the bank near the office. I paid for the application fees and K drove me all the way to Shah Alam. He accompanied me on my first step. Applying for my MBA. I told myself tak dapat pun takpe. At least dah cuba.
Waited for quite a bit and finally found out from a friend of mine that I have applied for the wrong course and I would need to make amendments to the course code. When I did, I was called for an interview and I would have to sit for an English Test. At that time, I started doubting myself. Should I proceed or not? I was unsure. I just realised that it has been 14 years since my degree days. * Seperti biasa... Tish worries about everything and doubting her capabilities is her number one hobby*
K told me to just go for the interview and test dulu. Decide later if I was offered a place. Accompanied by my bestfriend, I submit my documents that was needed. I went for the interview and test session. I was telling K, I don't think I will get a place because the ones that was in the interview session with me, are young and most of them just finish their degree. Nak ke ambit orang yang dah tua ni. *Pengsan*
It was one evening while I was in Singapore accompanying K... *masa tu dia tengah shoot KTK 2* I saw an email saying that I was offered and I have secured a place. I was in doubts all over again. AGAIN! I did not tell K. I was not sure if I want to do it. I know K will ask me to just go for it. I on the other end, was afraid if I am not able to cope.
Well, to cut the story short, I am now in my second semester. Alhamdullillah! :) I still have doubts occasionally but I do have a very good support system. I have K, my parents, colleagues & bosses, friends and also classmates telling me that I can do it.
I know is not easy to juggle work and studying at the same but I shall do this. I just have to manage the best I could. As it is, no one make you do it Tish... you wanted it. There is so much on your plate but let's take it one step at a time. * I am now a manager to K, secretary to 3 directors, assisting recruitment - a new task on top on my current responsibilities, and a student. It's a lot to handle... but for now, let's just give it a shot. Let's do this T!*
Love Always, T.
A student of UiTM again after 14 years. UiTM will always have a special place in my heart. It's where I meet K.
All the best kak tisha! Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kak tisha. Amiinnn. I believe abg abg beto mesti sokong akak. ��